Open Source Intelligence Assessment (OSINT)

Have you ever googled your name? Hackers do the same to your business - but in a much more comprehensive manner.

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Building an Attack Surface Profile

A threat actor uses a variety of tools and ingenuity to pull information from the Internet about your company - information that you didn’t know existed.

Because it is freely available, this information is "open source" otherwise know as OSINT. A malicious actor may be able to assemble this information, perform analysis and secretly build a detailed Attack Surface Profile of your company. This information can be used to subvert your security, hack your systems and obtain privileged information - or worse.

You’d be surprised what can be found:

  • Exposed Credentials (On Misconfigured Websites)
  • Breached Databases (Containing Passwords)
  • Dark Web Dumps (Private Information Breaches)
  • Shodan Entries (Revealing Insecure Systems)
  • Document Meta Data (Disclosing Intellectual Property)
  • Internal Topology (Certificate Authority Databases)
  • Organizational Charts (From Social Media Profiles)
  • Pastebin Dumps (Disclosing Private Information)
  • Google Dorking Data (Revealing Misconfigurations, Secrets and Vulnerabilities)
  • Cloud Storage Bucket Misconfiguration (Exposing Critical Files)
  • Malicious Domain Names (Cybersquatting)
  • Public Records (Disclosing Contact Data and Propriety Information)
  • Private Encryption Keys (Located in Development Repos)

A threat actor may be able to obtain keys to your internal network - without even touching it.

The proliferation of technology and the "de-perimeterization" of company networks (distributing data across multiple networks and clouds) increases the possibility of improper data disclosure through OSINT. The Internet is large and ever growing place - and information wants to be free.

An OSINT Assessment by Cybermode uses the same tools and procedures that malicious actors perform to collect and analyze data. This gives you a realistic view of your true external presence on the Internet. Armed with this information you can reduce the risk to your company.

Completing an OSINT Assessment from Cybermode will give you an idea of your company’s Attack Surface Profile and take control over your digital identity.

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