Legacy Viewpoints
Over the last decades the influence of Information Technology (IT) has grown by necessity into every business process. Companies who operate in traditional markets such as manufacturing, retail, finance, law, etc., find that they cannot possibly compete without IT being deeply integrated into their company’s mission.
In spite of this reality, there are some companies who view their Information Technology backbone exclusively as a “Cost Center”. They treat IT as an unwanted stepchild. They are reluctant to elevate knowledgeable IT staff into the decision making process and strongly resist spending any money on maintenance, upgrades, and new technology.
- IT can be intimidating to the Board and C Level Officers who find their technology knowledge at its limits.
- If IT is intimidating, Cybersecurity is even more threatening.
Today, nearly every company of size is also an Information Technology company. They can’t achieve their business mission without Information Technology deeply integrated into everything they do. Intelligent companies accept this reality.
Unwise Approach
Unwise companies have the following attributes:
- Assigning final Information Technology decisions to someone without any experience in IT.
- Blocking proper IT representation at the Board and C-Level.
- Saying no to every maintenance, upgrade, and new technology request.
- Riding IT assets into the ground.
- Overwhelming IT Staff with work and unreasonable project demands.
- Possessing a cavalier attitude to escalating Cybersecurity Threats and intensifying Risk Environment.
- Failing to have a yearly technical and procedural assessment of Cybersecurity.
Wise Approach
Wise companies have the following attributes:
- An Information Technology Steering Committee is in place, composed of multiple stakeholders and IT Staff.
- All final Information Technology decisions are informed by someone with experience in IT.
- IT Staff have proper representation at the Board and C-Level.
- Maintenance, upgrades, and new technology requests are granted the proper consideration.
- IT assets are sufficiently maintained and refreshed on a continuous cycle.
- IT Staff have a reasonable amount of projects scheduled.
- Cybersecurity Threats and the elevated Risk Environment are understood and integrated into the decision making process.
- A yearly technical and procedural assessment of Cybersecurity is performed.
Companies that ride their IT assets into the ground leave money on the table. The small amount of money “saved” is immediately lost through the daily opportunity cost of using inadequate technology. If there is a breach of security the loss is much more punitive. Performing your business mission with ancient, insecure technology is throwing profit away and courting Cybersecurity disaster.
Pay Now or Pay Later - But You Will Always Pay
It’s better to pay on a reasonable cycle to obtain the benefits of secure, up to date technology.
- IT is not a “Cost Center”.
- IT is a “Force Multiplier”.
- Secure networks have up to date technology.
- Secure networks are fast networks.
- Secure networks are efficient networks.
- Security is the “handmaiden” to productivity.
Companies that ride their IT assets into the ground leave money on the table. The small amount of money “saved” is immediately lost through the daily opportunity cost of using inadequate technology. If there is a breach of security the loss is much more punitive. Performing your business mission with ancient, insecure technology is throwing profit away and courting Cybersecurity disaster.
Secure IT is the Backbone of Profitability
IT is your backbone. IT is the engine by which you compete in today’s hyper competitive environment. Intelligent companies understand that they must maintain a healthy IT footprint that has a strong emphasis on cybersecurity. In doing so they secure the ability to fulfill their business mission in today’s high risk environment.