Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)

A network based on Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) has an enhanced security posture to deal with the escalating risks organizations face.

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Fundamental Concepts

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a set of cybersecurity principles that guide enterprise architecture. Rather than just reacting to threats, a network designed with ZTA principles proactively protects a network by “designing security in” from beginning.

A Zero Trust Architecture network designed by Cybermode operates from several fundamental concepts:

  • Security is integrated into all business processes.
  • The network is always assumed to be hostile.
  • External and Internal threats are believed to be always present in some form on the network.
  • Network locality (i.e., external vs internal) is not sufficient for deciding Trust in a network.
  • Trust is not inherent, is evaluated continually and assigned dynamically.
  • De-perimeterization: In the Cloud there is no traditional “perimeter” so the security focus is on assets rather than networks.
  • Every user, device and network flow is authenticated and authorized.
  • Robust systems intelligence is the norm.
  • The security of the network cannot rely on the end user.

Zero Trust Architecture came to be in response to the failings of Perimeter Defense - which is the design of most business networks. Perimeter defense is one flat unsegmented network, with firewalls at the perimeter and antivirus installed throughout. If the perimeter is defeated (i.e., through phishing, web browsing infection, etc.) the entire network fails.

Rapidly Changing and Iterating

Clouds themselves are new technologies. They are rapidly iterating and adding many beneficial products and features. These new technologies and design approaches are often not fully documented. They are also not completely understood from a cybersecurity perspective.

Clouds should be regularly assessed just like on-premise technologies. Simply being in the cloud does not make something secure. In fact, the complexity of cloud deployments mean that there are new opportunities for malicious actors to breach cloud systems.

Just as Clouds are seen as the future of IT - they are also the future of hacking.

Cybermode Zero Trust Architecture Purpose

The purpose of the Cybermode Zero Trust Architecture is to design, implement, configure, and harden a highly secure network based on Zero Trust Principles with security deeply integrated into every level of an organization. Some of the strengths that a Zero Trust Architecture from Cybermode will add to your network are as follows:

  • Authentication Hardening
  • Granular Access Controls
  • Network Segmentation
  • Micro-Segmentation
  • Network & Domain Hardening
  • Least Privilege Analysis
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Continuous Monitoring & Analytics
  • Data Flow Encryption

Zero Trust Architecture is well suited to enterprise networks with multi-cloud deployments which include remote users that are not contained within an enterprise owned network boundary. It is a perimeter-less cybersecurity approach that focuses on protecting resources, not only network segments.

Cybermode Zero Trust Architecture Phases

The Zero Trust Architecture from Cybermode comes in multiple phases: Design, Implementation, Configuration and Hardening and can be rolled out as quarterly projects with defined security deliverables. It provides strong cybersecurity directly customized to your company.

Cybermode Zero Trust Architecture Goals

The final goals of a Zero Trust Architecture Project are twofold: the first is a highly secure network that is resistant to attack. The second and more important goal is to develop a healthy "Culture of Security" within an organization. When this is accomplished, a company strives to perform every business process securely.

It’s important to understand that effective Information Security is a process not a destination. It’s a continuous journey that never ends. There is always risk, but by proactively protecting its network and business processes a company secures its destiny into the years to come.

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