Well Funded Dark Industry
The Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) cybercriminal industry continues to intensify. The ability for criminal syndicates to attack businesses “at will” from across the globe with few repercussions is too enticing for malicious actors to pass up.
There’s an enormous amount of money to be gained so the phenomenon of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) won’t be going away any time soon. The size of the RaaS Market is estimated to be $265 billion by 2031.
Someone’s going to be picking up the tab.
Because so much money is on the table, the RaaS Syndicates will continue to develop their malicious technology and attack methodology in response to the upgraded posture and defensive measures that legitimate businesses are deploying in the form of better backup and recovery strategies.
Just as businesses are using upgraded EDR solutions with advanced heuristics, ai and machine learning - the RaaS Syndicates are deploying similar technologies with advanced command and control platforms. They have the money and talent to do so.
Advanced Persistent Threat
It’s important to understand that this threat will exist for a long time into the future. Businesses must adjust their security posture to meet the continuing threats that RaaS cybercrime syndicates represent.
The first step is to respect your adversary and understand the risks that exist. The second step is to recognize that this threat can be met with decisively with regular cybersecurity assessments on both a technical and procedural level. Once a secure baseline is established then a more advanced posture designed with Zero Trust Architecture principles can be undertaken.
Meet the RaaS Threat Decisively
There is no such thing as perfect cybersecurity. There will always be risk. With regular cybersecurity assessments from Cybermode you can meet the threat of Ransomware decisively.
Reference: https://www.cloudwards.net/ransomware-statistics/